The Body Divine: The Biology of Immanence

When I first began practicing yoga it was all so simple. Breathe and move in a certain way and the life-enhancing benefits of yoga would flow into your body. Then things got more complicated. Yoga experts began to abound – and they disagreed about practically everything – from technique, methodology and physical alignment, to the…

Coming To Grips With The Divine: The Sacred Language of the Hand

“Our ability to grasp, to build, and to make our thoughts real lies inside this complex of bones, nerves, and vessels”…“The hand is a signature for who we are and what we can attain.” Neil Shubin, Your Inner Fish: A Journey into the 3.5 Billion Year History of the Human Body.  In the past year…

Technologies of Qi: Yin Yoga & Connective Tissue

“ A new paradigm is evolving in the West, one that broadens the scope of information and energy transportation mechanisms far beyond simple chemical and electrical models.”…Berni Clark, The Complete Guide to Yin Yoga. We are uncovering a new frontier within our bodies – one with previously unimaginable implications for our health and well-being. What…